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Who really pays for this crime?





The credit card company will --eventually with enough perserverence from you-- charge back the amount that was stolen - NOT FROM YOU the purchaser, but from the Credit Card company.  Now anyone who thinks Visa or Mastercard has "Magic Money" is not aware of HOW our banking industry works.


The CC company will write off these multi-million dollar "losses" on their taxes creating a "bad debt" for them where they do not have to pay taxes on the "loss" and it in turn will lower their overall tax bill.  For those who don't know...Our tax money IS the Government!  This means less money for all sorts of essential programs... social security, medicare, SSI, Education...every program funded by US Tax Dollars.  THINK ABOUT IT.


 If this SCAM if  is truly created and backed by the Mexican Cartel- we are quite frankly subsidizing Organized Crime. Who pays the price?  EVERY AMERICAN who pays taxes.  THIS SCAM HURTS US ALL!!


If companies are writing off BILLIONS of dollars and not paying taxes on it who do you think is getting hurt???  Not the CC company... US. -- ALL. OF. US.


We NEED to get PISSED off and get OUR government to wake up and DO something about this organized crime!  It is being perpetuated DAILY and no one is moving a finger all the while our coffers are being depleted and NO ONE KNOWS or frankly cares. 


America is trying to fight a "war on drugs" and "illegal immigration"  when OUR TAX DOLLARS ARE FUNDING the organization who is perpetuating these crimes!   


Well, now you do.  Write your Senators and Congressman!  WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT!!  - The Representatives work for us!  Let's make them EARN some of that good money and do their jobs protecting American Citizens from those who wish to destroy us.

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